Tuesday, May 10, 2011

mazel tov (Hebrew meaning good luck)

MY MY MY Is it actually true that I am up at 7:00 AM reading the dictionary in search of new intriguing and exciting M-words? Not an online dictionary MIND you but a blue bound for real hold in your hand Webster's New World dictionary. Oh how I love this 1975 published piece of work! There is MUCH to MOTIVATE ME this MORNING as I MINDLESSLY turn page after page of black and white (dingy white).

MY heart continues to be on the MEND with MOTHER'S Day 2011 slipping quietly behind me. I MUST add that I MANAGED TO MANEUVERED the dreaded day with MINIMUM MELT-DOWNS, and MANY MOMENTS of MOTHERLY delights. MAYBE that was due in part to planning well and MAKING time for ME. MOTHER'S Day was MORE than just a Sunday this year it was entire week-end.

With my girls, MALLORY, and MADDIE (and MY MARVELOUS husband) we celebrated the life of their fabulous MOTHER with a quite little MEMORIAL at Rhonda's grave. I MARVELED as the girls happily scattered roses petal that had been MINDFULLY placed into a Premier jewelry box just for this MOMENT. I even MANAGED TO MAINTAIN a smile as I reflected on the 35 years of joy this MUTI-TALENTED , creature had brought to MY life.

A MEGA dose of ME time included a MORNING of MUCH coffee and MOVIE time (Steel MAGNOLIAS thanks to a recent post from a "new" friend's blog and good MEDICINE for the MOMENT) . Rested and relaxed the MOTHER in ME kicked it into overtime as I spent some really fun time BMX shopping with MY youngest child. Now the two of us are working up some MONEY MATTERS to complete the task of purchasing the green and yellow beauty (a little summer time MATH:) MAYBE.

I suppose if there was a MARKED MOMENT of sadness it would be the time I spent with MY own MOTHER on Saturday evening, the 2011 MEMPHIS floods has greatly effected her! Currently she is homeless living in a MOTEL in MILLINGTON while her MOBILE home is drowning beneath the waters of the flood. MY heart breaks as she grieves this loss.

MOTHER'S DAY-was a totally MAGNIFICENT day with MY MOST beloved surrounding ME! Two wonderful MEALS two MARVELOUS sons (MAKE that three with MIKE) a daughter in love MY dad and other MOTHER, MY MONKEYS and MY girls. A MANTLE of God's MERCY surrounding ME and a true MANIFESTION of HIS love toward ME!

It is time for the MOTHER in ME to take second seat to the teacher in me and get this MORNING started.
To you I say have a wonderful day MAZEL tov and God bless

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

MERCY ME the sun is shining and that MAKES ME MARVELOUSLY happy! Another MORNING Without sunshine would have done ME in!

To prove MY point... I was in a hurry earlier.... to get to MOTHER'S Day out to pick up MADDIE I jumped into the shower... realizing something wasn't right I adjusted the temperature and then adjusted the shower head huh something still doesn't feel right so I grabbed the bottle to MAKE sure I was using body wash and not hair conditioner to bath in.... oh NO something is seriously wrong here and then it occurred to ME... MY glasses were covered with soap MAKING it impossible to read the writing! well duh that MUST be what is wrong I was showering wearing MY glasses and it just didn't feel right. Truth prevails no MATTER how much silver is showing on top I am still very much a blond in the Head!

I am so looking forward to the MILLIONS of beautiful flowers that are sure to show themselves after all the April showers . Thinking about how MANY flowers will be sold over the next few days in honor of MOTHER'S Day. MEMORIES flood MY MIND. MADE ME think of MY gal, Rhonda who loved flowers with dirt and thought cut flowers to be rather wasteful. In honor of the MOTHER she became every Sunday for the rest of the MONTH of MAY I will MAKE an attempt to MANAGE MY MOMENTS of grief by planting another pot of flowers in the ground.This will be MY time of reflection...how blessed I am to have heard the sound of MAMA coming from the MOUTH of MY first born child. As I work in the dirt I will MARVEL at how blessed I continue to be as I hear the same word "MAMA" coming from the MOUTH'S of MY precious sons.

Here's to hoping they remember MY favorite candy is still M&M's (although I prefer peanut butter over peanuts these days) and MY favorite flower is still a MAGNOLIA and MY favorite MEAL is still MEXICAN (Although a good MARINATED steak will work too) other gift ideas.... oops did I really say that? I need a MANICURE really bad and I am still dreaming of MY own MOTORCYCLE.

With all the history making events of the past week including weddings, tornadoes, floods, and government affairs. I would be MAKING a MAJOR MISTAKE if I didn't declare that I am thankful that I know the MASTER of it all and grateful for the MANIFOLD blessings that he alone has set in MOTION in MY life!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011


MUD is the word oh yeah.. spent the afternoon in the country with our MONKEYS (and their folks) Story time with MAW MAW. Lunch consisted of all things green.. a necessary task to get rid of the pink... Including the beautiful sparkling pink decorated cup cakes (You must read Pinkalicous to get the MESSAGE here). The grand finale was MUD play! Nothing like MISSISSIPPI MUD to bring a smile to the face of kid. With buckets, hoes, rocks and such there were rivers, dams and ,waterfalls constructed such a MESS of a place for boats and feet! Then a shower for 3 followed by a lone boy MONKEY de-MUDDING processing. The afternoon ended with a little brother MEASURING.... results are in and little brother now towers over big brother. MUSIC and MELODY MINUS the MUD from the shorter brother Made for a MARVELOUS end to a delightful day. On this good Friday MY MIND and MOUTH would be quite MUDDY if I didn't MENTION how very grateful I am for the gift God gave us and the willingness of his son to MAKE this day of reflection possible for all MANKIND. Dear Jesus I so looking forward to seeing you face to face someday soon. Until then MAY the words of MY MOUTH and the MEDITATION of MY heart be acceptable in your sight!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Todays M word is MULTIPLICATION reflections of yesterday..
Started the day early with a desire to cook. Something I have avoided lately as we have been enjoying the basics and living on a $40 a week grocery budget hey don't feel sorry for me (us) because we are blessed indeed and God has shown me how to do the double the coupon and get stuff free routine with great efficiency. He (my faithful God) in the process he has done the MULTIPLICATION by doubling my budget this week yes that is right $80 in groceries this week ( made two or double trips to get the job done but on one of the double trips I had 17 bags of groceries for $60 ..but that is a completely different post.)

Back to what inspired me today. It all started with a pan of fresh homemade cinnamon rolls. I occurred to ME that if one pan would be good then two would surely be great and MALLORY AND MADDIE agreed thus begin a day of doubles that has spilled over into this Lord's day. With an apron tied at my waist (ever growing waist) and a grin on my face the cooking begin. Masterfully cooking 2 hams one for my family and one for a precious home school family that has been dealing with major medical issues with their three year old son. It felt so good so offer a hand and to be able to pray with this family that I decided to MAKE an invitation to my dad and other mother for dinner. Back to the MULTIPLICATION and cooking again... I then proceeded to make 2 banana puddings (real homemade custard NO out of the box stuff at this house) one for dessert and one for daddy to take home. Then it was double feature time as we watched not one but you guessed it two dramas (Stone Pillow, and The Shunning). I'm finding that I am really like the idea of doing this cooking thing in doubles because all that cooking yesterday means no cooking today. Leaving more time for a double nap this afternoon well as soon as I wash the double load of dirty dishes.

I guess if there is a down side for this weekend of doubles it would be that my sweetie had to take double the meds last night to get pain relief of a bad tooth and couldn't quite get going this morning thus double cars at church this. I must admit I was thinking ahhh a new day with a new Letter M only to get to church and we get a double take as both Pastor Greg and Mrs Nancy shared their story. Wow 2 for one! Looking ahead and moving into MONDAY I see additional MULTIPLICATION on the horizon when tomorrow there will double Jenkins family members at the Center for Good Grief! One of us running for a place to talk and share and the other being dragged kicking and screaming.

In closing I would like to thank the letter "D" for sharing and taking part in this wonderful thing called life. To you the reader I am wishing you the MULTIPLICATION of all things good today and for everything good thing you do for someone else I pray that you will receive double for your trouble!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The letter Mm

So I am doing it blogging who would have thought it?

You might wonder how I came up with the name guess I will take a few minutes to explain in my first entry because it was WELL thought out. The letter M seems to just keep popping up in my life everywhere I look I see and hear M&M's oh no not the candy (although I will admit to enjoying my share of those too) Back to my explanation I like the sound of the letter M as it flows off my lips but truth is I love the sound of the letter M when it flows off the lips of others. MERCY God's M word to ME. MAMA the name that my three children Rhonda, Jonathan and Joseph call me. MAWMAW (with a longgg Southern drawl) the name my grandgirls MEGAN, MALLORY & MADDIE and my MONKEYS (Nathan, Savannah and Abigail) call me. Yes I truly love the sound of the letter M when it flows off the lips of others. Then there are the words that flow off my lips with ease and excitement words like MEXICAN Food (what is not to love with that) and MISSIONETTES (a reoccurring passion) and MONEY (there never seems to be even of it) and MINISTRY (making oneself available to the will of God) and MARRIAGE (after 31 years I could say much about this). Can't help but think about MIKE the love of my daughter's life and now doing the work as a single parent to three beautiful girls (what a job). MEMPHIS my home town growing up and even with all the bad press (and much deserved at times) I still love the city. MISSISSIPPI my grown up state and current home!And MOUNTAINS Colorado or East Tennessee either way brings a smile to my face. Well the clock on the wall along with a three old pulling at my PJ's and a 12 year old texting me tells me it is time to consider several other M words MAKE-UP (and yes I am a devoted MARYKAY consumer) and MAKE haste to MAKING some MEMORIES on this MARVELOUS day that MY God has MADE possible. Have a MAGNIFICENT day everyone!